Sunday, July 25, 2010


What makes the perfect family? Is it the mom that works everyday to only see her child at night while shes sleeping? She strives to give her child a good life, no matter how many hours she has to put in. Or is it the father that doesn't have a job but stays home with his children to spend every waking moment with them because he never had a relationship with his parents? Families are put together everyday with different shaped puzzle pieces and different shades of colors. What makes them perfect? Do the children decide that they're perfect, or is it everyone else around them who see's their true colors? Children love their parents unconditionally when they are young because they can't see the faults, or the mistakes they've made. Children see that mommy tucks me into bed, and daddy sneaks me ice cream even though mommy said no. Children are the starters of that perfect family because they bring love wherever they go. Mom comes home from a long day at work, to lay herself down on the couch recollecting her thoughts about the day and she hears the little footsteps come into the living room so she opens her eyes and sees this big smile staring her in the eyes, who has been waiting for her all day and she can't help but smile. Children don't know who pissed you off at work, children don't know that that man cut you off on your drive home, children don't know that you can't pay the bills this month. Children know that you love them, they know that you hug them when they're sad, they know you get excited for them and jump up and down when they pee on the potty, children know you are always there for them and they can count on you. I believe that children are our angels. Children are the ones that make us laugh, bring a smile to our face and will even make us very angry and forced to yell at them, but they're the only ones who we will always forgive, who we will never stop loving, and the only ones we actually feel bad for after yelling at them. Children are our angels that make our perfect family perfect because they except that mom might not be around all the time, and that dad may not live with them, or that they might not always get what they want, but they except us for what we truly are. They see the colors were made of, they see our shapes that make us whole and at the end of the day when they put their gentle hands on our face and smoosh our cheeks together and kiss our nose it brings a tear to our eyes and bring light into our hearts. Children make our family perfect because their little hearts carry so much unconditional love that molds us together. So if you want to know if you have that perfect family, look at the ones that give you the unconditional love, look at the ones that count on you, look at the ones except you for what you truly are in every shape and color because those are the ones who think that you are perfect.

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